I puked a few times (not alcohol induced) yesterday and the day before also so decided to have the day off work yesterday. In amongst all of this: Wednesday night I had gone on my fourth (and final) date with HL (Handsome Lawyer).
The soundtrack to the fog surrounding me has been a mix of:
1. Joan of Police Women*:
I don't want to live for tomorrow
save me
I don't want to live for tomorrow
save me
I don't want to live for tomorrow
I don't want to live for the dying chance
if you're already good as gone
if you're already good as gone
2. CSS:
Come and erase me, take me with you.
Kiss me I’m drunk, don’t worry it’s true
I want you to show me how mad is your love
Come and attack me, it’s not gonna hurt
Fight me, deny me if I fear when you’re close
Let’s make love and listen to death from above…
3. The Grates**:
Some mother fuckers think they're born to dance,
Some mother fuckers think they're born to, dance,
Shakin' like you don't know what you're waiting for,
Shake like bacon ice cold it's floored,
But you're stuck,
Inside inside inside inside inside, outside,
Outside outside outside outside outside, inside,
Now, twirl for me,
Twirl like a little girl…
And I wonder my head is in a fog…
* thanks to F/BF (Flatmate/Best Friend) for discovering the beauty of Joan…
** and thanks to B.I.L (Brother In Law) for alerting me to the energy of The Grates...
Eekk. what happened with HL? What do you mean final? Answer me Ziggy!
oh, no! ziggy, i hope you are okay and feeling better. please take care of yourself.
I won't say "cheer up" cause I hate when people tell me that.
Remember what they say (don't ask who they is) -- the problem isn't Permanent, Pervasive and don't take it Personally.
That's from "Learned Optimism", by Martin Seligman.
I don't think I'm helping.
Well, he really must have screwed up if it is final...
I am sorry sweet, sweet Ziggy! I hope this weekend helps you heal in all ways possible so that you can be back in top form, positive and happy and well, cause I, for one, love your infectious happiness!
Take care of you and many boho hugs coming your way!
As well as boho kisses I might add!
Joan As Policewoman seems to be catching on. I got a load of blank faces when I showed my pals the CD a while back.
Hope the fog lifts shortly. I'll check out the music and see if it's doing you any good. Cheers bovvered fellow.
His loss. Hope you're feeling better soon.
And when your head clears, I want the photo.
((((((((((((((ZIGGY~*~*~*))))))))) Hugs for you hun. I won't ask what happened, but, as said above, it's HIS loss for sure. You are being sent lots of positive vibes!
What happened to the lawyer? Hope the puking subsides soon.
1920 20 1920 20..... as so on it goes... xxxx
Go on, freak out as long as you need... Lord knows that's what I'm doing. Fug the Fog!
Fuck. I feel the same way. :/
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