My weekend was too full to talk about in detail, but my Saturday sort of sums it up:

I arrived at the venue at 1.30pm and as I had somehow arrived before them (even though my journey was an hour and a half and they live literally around the corner from the place) I decided to start with a glass of champagne (well it was the middle of the day, it's only right). Marito flew in to the place in a highly strung flap and Mad Girl followed shortly after - and the drinking commenced. My goodness, do those two know how to drink. A long, leisurely and frankly lovely lunch ensued, followed by literally hours of drinking (champagne, I decided that if I stuck to champagne my hangover wouldn't be as bad as if I mixed.... the logic seemed right at the time.)

A very drunken Ziggy on board the last train with a bunch of other drunken random strangers singing along with my music (compliments of my ipod turned up very loud so we could all hear it through the earphones - the music was actually not that important anyway, our voices were doing the job fine).

So of course I carried on drinking with the lovely lady (such a gentleman) and we ended the night with our furniture pushed out of the way in our living room and some crazy laydee dancing.
I love Brighton! Spend a wonderful two weeks there in 1992 with one of my favorite life companions (he now lives in Hove). Know that London-to-Brighton train well.
And there's no better way to spend a Saturday than drinking champagne and dancing 'til dawn.
Oooh! How chic a way to spend your Saturday dear Ziggy! Loverly fo sho! Here's to many more such lovely moments and tipsy clouded sweetnesses in your life amigo mio! And may there be a day when I can sip some champagen with you!
Oh to dream is what bohemians do best!
Many boho besos flying at ya and man did I love me the gay ones! FO SHO! ;-)
Great Saturday Night pic!!
You look great in red, new haircut Zig?
Know what you mean when straight husbands are stolen... have lost 2 in the last 6 years. Sigh Sigh indeed.
Ziggy, Ziggy,'ll be getting stern looks from DaBich if'n you're not taking care of yourself! Glad you had a great weekend, but....listen to the body warnings, sweetie!!
Hey Beth - Brighton is lovely! Although all I saw Saturday was the inside of a bar.... oops.
Miz Boho - my entire life is tipsy clouded at the moment! ahem...! thanks for those besos though! right back at ya.
Angel - I try, I try.
Dale - another new haircut, I know. I have to keep trying them out constantly to find the one that fits.
Cutectguy - this is my one and only straight husband who I've lost. And I'm mourning.
Dabich - I know! Between you and Organic, I'm in trouble....
Ah, Brighton.
I once spent a weekend in a stupidly expensive hotel (I mean, £350 a night)... but it was worth it.
Anyway, thanks for... well... you know.
Norton - sounds like you had a better time than I did ;-)
On a more serious note, you know where I am - and I meant what I said!
Nuttin wrong with dancin the night away whist sippin champagne. I did find out this weekend that raspberry flavored vodka hurts the next day too....
I was recently faced with a decision. Give up drinking or give up my liver. Guess which I chose? That's right... Who needs a stinking liver? -----Actually, I did stop drinking for a spell because I am desperate for a glimpse at another reality. One with right angles, sharp dressers and people like you.
Well, it's alright
It's okay
You can look the other way
You can try to understand
The New York Times effect on man
Whether you're a mother or
Whether you're a brother
You're Stayin' Alive
Stayin' Alive
Feel the city quakin'
and Everybody shakin'
You're Stayin' Alive
Stayin' Alive...
Ziggy!! That sounds like a fabulous fab fab day!! I love days that just take on a delightful spin of their own. I'm with you on the champers stays champers logic. Althoughthat logic has failed me often enough to make me question why I even bother.
And lounge room disco life never did hurt anyone. Hope you had strobe lights. I have spent many a night in my disco past just lying on the floor watching the coloured lights curve and wander all over while the flatmate spun on the decks.
GG x
Mon C. and I visited Brighton a few weekends ago. I'd been there a number of times before.
I never really rated the place. I'm from a city by the sea, and Brighton...well, it doesn't really have a beach. Just a crust pebbled shore.
However, for the first time, the sun was shining, and the place felt great. It really wasn't like being in England at all...(ok, that's maybe stretching it a bit)
Dude, did you score?
I love leisurely afternoons (especially on Sept/Oct) drinking with friends.
This summer was a bore.
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