BAY (Beautiful and Young) and her family whom I love (one and all) bought me a ticket to see
The Cat Empire for my birthday back in May; the actual gig was Friday night. It was the first time
BAY and her younger sister had been to a gig and to be honest, this very fact excited me even more than the gig itself. I think
The Cat Empire are OK musically, not enough to buy their CD though.
The gig itself was fantastic. The band were really energetic and everyone was dancing which was great - the girls and I even did some moshing (I haven't moshed in years so this was rather amusing...); I actually got quite drunk with
MofBAY (
Mum of BAY), my very dear friend (it was the first time we had been 'out' in ages - she's recently been given the all clear after extensive breast cancer treatment) and ended up telling some of their friends from their posh village who were also at the gig that they were homophobic and should go back to the
'nowhere village they come from'.
MofBAY loved it of course. She and
DofBAY (
Dad of BAY) are Londoners who moved out so that their children could grow up away from the pressures of city life - sensible in theory, but finding like-minded people to mix with is the hard bit. Anyway, all in all it was fantastic and great to see the girls loving their first gig.
I retreated to my bedroom for most of Saturday - I've had a bit of a tough week emotionally to be honest and felt I needed some time away from people in general.
(as an aside: I spoke to my sister who has felt her baby move for the first time - so exciting!)Sunday I had plans to see other friends but cancelled those as well and watched a fantastic DVD called
Happy Endings.

It probably wasn't
that fantastic a film, but given my mood it was perfect.
F/BF (
Flatmate/Best Friend) had been crying Sunday morning in an uncontrollable stylee at hearing some news that a good friend of
F/BF's mother has three months left to live, due to cancer in just about every internal organ imaginable. Bizarrely it made me think of my
Nan who died at just 57 (I was 7 years old) and how I used to lie in bed with her in the last few weeks of her life (she died at home, my mother nursed her) and she still would tell jokes and try and make me laugh.
Right up to the very end.Anyway,
Happy Endings made me cry again and then I sobbed uncontrollably for about 3 hours. Which was great. I feel so much better today for it. And my eyes look amazing.
**managed to somehow upload the photos! yay me! oh, and maggie gyllenhaal is beautiful... **