15 December, 2005

The day I went psycho

As of tomorrow, I am going on a two day training course to become accredited in providing feedback on a particular type of psychometric test. It is a tool we have decided to utilise at work.

To be honest, I am not entirely sure how I feel about psychometric tests. I have actually had to complete this one myself before the training course; and although the tests themselves have been tested and retested to account for variability and reliability - I am still a bit of a doubting Thomas.

For instance... on the day I completed the test myself, I was feeling particularly pissed about the fact that I was having to manage a complete moron (yes, the very same who told me I should be getting myself a gaydar profile) and therefore have no doubt that my responses on the test reflect this.

A statement released by the people who created the test had the following to say about this:

"A person's mood at the time of responding should not have a major effect. The items in (the test) tend to be either historical, behavioural or attitudinal and therefore we would expect such items to be more stable across mood states than items which were, for example, asking for preferences. However, as always, if a respondent reports a major mood problem you should ask if they would prefer to retake the test. Note of course that the tendency to react to mood changes is one of the things that (the test) is measuring through Emotionality." So what constitutes a 'major mood problem'? I seem to have those on a daily basis.

Perhaps I will be more a believer once I get my results? I'll keep you posted.


Nick Stephenson said...

I'm with you, Zigs - I hate those psycho-babble tests.

If the interviewer can't make a decision without the use of one of those tests, then I don't want to work for that company.

The funniest thing: HR people STILL make the wrong employment decision (even with the notes from the test).

I once expressed my dislike for the test at an interview but said I would be 'compliant' on that occasion. Needless to say, I didn't get the job (and I was glad).

DLAK said...

When ever taking these tests you need to lie like a rug. Telling the truth is not what they are about, they only tell you how good a lier you are.

ziggystardust73 said...

hhhmmm. Nick, I am desperately trying to find a way out of HR (yes, that is the field I work in, sadly) and psychology is the field I am attempting to move in to (albeit incredibly slowly). Where does this leave me?

dlak... you sound like even more of a conspiracy theorist than I am. And that is saying something.

Nick Stephenson said...

Oh mate, an over-the-hill HR professional ...

*shaking head sadly*

Only teasing. Maybe we could do a job swap?

markus said...

i think i remember doing this in college for extra credit... only we weren't given our results.

JM said...

I think a person's mood has a lot to do with they way a person tests.

ziggystardust73 said...

nick, you would HATE my job.

marcus, I think you may have been a guinea pig! the extra credits were most likely an incentive to draw people in so that they could test their tests out!

angel, even though the statistics 'prove' otherwise... I am in complete agreement with you!

Anhoni Patel said...
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Anhoni Patel said...

Ziggy: are you having your male period? Is that why you've been so moody?

I don't think your moods with affect the test. But if you're the one in HR, can you be firing/having a "talk" with yourself?

DanProject76 said...

Man, those HR tests are proper bollocks. People that score good on those ones you do in job interviews always turn out to be mentalists.