In fact, I had drinks and dinner with a mate on my roof terrace Saturday night, and then once she had left, joined my neighbour and her Biker Buddy (BB - sounds so gay, doesn't it?) who were also sitting on the roof.
When I first sat down with them (at around 11.30pm) it was obvious that he felt uncomfortable with me (he was about 6'2, with bulging muscles, a shaven head with large nasty scars visible pretty much everywhere on his body from significant motorbike accidents) most probably due to the fact that I was gay. Nothing was said to me, but you could tell that he wasn't entirely comfortable.
Two bottles of whiskey later at 4am and I had to extract myself from his arms that were wrapped around me, with him telling me what a fantastic 'bloke' I was and how much he loved me. Apparently I had more drinking power (and therefore testosterone) than most of his biker buddies...
I really enjoyed the night - it appealed to me that my 'gay pride' involved enabling this very straight biker to look past my sexuality and see me just as me.
I like reading your blog, while listening to James Blunt. It's great. :)
aw shucks, thanks Ryan.
But I have to tell you... James Blunt is the devil.
Never mind, as I've said before - you're always welcome here, with a face and attitude like yours ;-)
Ziggy, lol..I loved this story! You sure know how to put em in their place as long as you don't have to think about it!! If he had made passes at you, you'd have excused yourself before midnight like Cinderella :X
ryan...GAWD, Blunt is nasty :X
Actually, I just have "Goodbye My Lover" on continuous loop because that's the only good one he ever did. Duh. I'm not crrrazy. :)
I am like the biggest James Blun fan, ever! Here is an article I wrote, about him.
Dabich, glad I made you laugh, your face would have been a treat if you'd seen me try to escape his clutches! It was really difficult, I tell you! ha ha
Ryan - be careful, I'm sure that song has subliminal messages in it.
Butchieboy - I think you are my straight spiritual twin.
funny how whiskey can bring out the best in people :)
That story puts my recent Pride experience to shame. I wish I had ended up in the arms of a straight biker!
Color Me Jealous!
...and that, folks, is the true meaning of Gay Pride!
nort, is that patrick the starfish?? hehe x
Hey, how could any one resist the charming Ziggy? HOW I ASK?
I, for one, am silly putty in your hands! *sigh* And gladly so!
j - you're so right about whiskey. yay for whiskey.
Saviour - Colour Me Jealous as in Colour Me Beautiful? What colours are you then? :-)
Dan - you've just gotten married, so I think you beat me hands down on the pride front!
Norty - it is Patrick the Starfish, all leathered up in a Biker stylee. We love Patrick.
Miz Bohemia - *Ziggy sighs*
what a fab story. Nice one! i have heard on the grapevine that your drinking stamina knows no bounds...
I found myself in the middle of Gay Pride on Oxford St on Saturday, trying to get to Hyde Park Calling... with a recently gay friend. I could hardly tear him away ;)
I will be at the Pride Festival on the weekend coming up manning a both for the political party I volunteer for. In amongst putting up a pagoda for my wife plus trying to watch the World Cup finals.
Zuze - you're reputation precedes you also... ;-)
how was Hyde Park Calling anyway? It sounded pretty good!
Running - you go boy! Get those gay votes!
i don't know... i'm ashamed to say i got a bit distracted by the football and the VIP tent and didn't actually *see* many bands! Starsailor and Texas sounded good though. Roger Walters was a bit depressing. Great afternoon though!
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