25 November, 2005

Bye, Bye.

My sister and B.I.L left to go home to Perth today. I'm feeling a bit blue.

They've been here for the last 3 weeks and it has been so much fun - I live in a pretty small flat (central London, what can I say?!) so it was a bit of a squeeze, but now they are gone, it feels sad going back to it without them.

Lots of funny moments while they were over here, one of my favourites was on the 'open top' bus tour in Barcelona. The three of us were sitting up the front, and sitting on the opposite side of the bus and just behind us was a couple who had a pretty incredibly camera, with a *huge* lens.

After my sister, B.I.L and I had made several infantile comments about the size of their lens, we noticed that the woman kept pointing her camera at something that seemed to be in our general direction, and when I looked at what that may be (in the event I was missing a fantastic photo opportunity) there seemed to be nothing that special to photograph.

Eventually, we established that this woman was, in fact, attempting to photograph one of B.I.L's tattoos (on his neck). She kept pretending she wasn't, until he just pointed to it and said 'go ahead, shoot away'.

B.I.L is all about the adoration, so the lady's fear was entirely unneccessary!


JM said...

It is a beautiful tatoo. Fascinating. And it is a bit awkward to ask a stranger if they could photograph them.

Nick Stephenson said...

He is quite a painted gentleman, isn't he!

Anhoni Patel said...

It's sad when guests leave isn't it? I much prefer being the one travelling. And usually I am.

It sounded so nice to have them around, and that moment was really cool. I would have been embarassed if I was that woman. Your B.I.L. has a lot of freakin' tattoos!

Anonymous said...

thankgod mum and dad are home! we missed them very much.. luv charlie and elvis x

ziggystardust73 said...

yes, B.I.L is fully painted up.

Charlie & Elvis... are you using your parents' PC again when they're not home?!?!