31 October, 2005

Halloween is Happy

I have never really bought in to the whole 'Halloween' thing. Where I grew up it just didn't really matter as much. A few years ago, I spent Halloween with a friend in New Jersey and realised how much importance certain cultures place upon it! It was pretty exciting too, but still didn't encourage me to celebrate it in my own environment subsequently.

Something big happened for me last year on Halloween. I dumped my partner. We had been together for nearly two years, and if I'm to be completely honest, that was about 20 months longer than I should have stayed with him. The reasons behind that are complex (and probably not that interesting to anyone but me) so I won't bore you with that now.

After I left him though, many of my suspicions about his behaviour during our relationship were confirmed. The most significant being that he was/is a liar.

Even though I don't think I was ever truly in love with him, betrayal is something I don't deal with as an individual. It has also taken me a while to realise that that I wasn't all sweetness and light during the relationship either. In fact, I think I was pretty awful. As a result, it's taken me about this long to start feeling OK about who I am.

So for me, Halloween this year is a time for celebration.


Walter said...

Hurrah for Halloween...

ziggystardust73 said...

hurrah indeed!

ps. love that profile pic. did you chew the bones or just swallow?

Anhoni Patel said...

You should dress up and celebrate! Candy always makes one feel better. A whole lot better.

DanProject76 said...

Burn the witches!

Or even, the chavs. I don't mind.

ziggystardust73 said...

Candies are good.

Chavs are not! (but kinda exciting in a dodgy way)

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »