So I went out with my ex-boyfriend's brother (also a gay) on Friday night; I have always been very fond of him and he really makes me laugh - for a while he attempted to become fat enough to be labelled a
bear; but only made it as far as
cub status. We'll call him
Cub for the purpose of this post.
I hadn't seen him for some time and have been working so hard that I knew I was well up for a few (aka many) drinks. We met at a very smart wine bar
Grape Street in Bloomsbury and were surrounded by a mixture of very polite punters.
I'd decided to kill some time before I met him by shopping. For baby clothes. I've been going a bit mad since I found out my sister is pregnant, and now I've found out it's a girl I've been even worse. One of the items I purchased was an incredible double-breasted winter coat - in faux cream astrakan fur. It cost me more than I've spent on a single item of clothing for myself in some time -
Cub and I decided to christen it "
The Jacketini". A silence fell all around us and people nearby
gasped when I pulled it out to show him.
Anyway, after 3 bottles of wine we foolishly decided to stumble to
Trash Palace (why, oh why?!) where we carried on drinking until 3am.
I awoke the next morning with a vague recollection of knocking so loudly on the front door of my mews house to wake up
F/BF (
Flatmate/Best Friend) to open the door for me. I had forgotten that my house keys were in my pocket and not only woke up
F/BF but half of the neighbourhood in the process. I quickly glanced around my room to see that I had my phone, wallet and shoulder bag - they were all present and accounted for. Then a horrible thought slowly dawned on me:
Where is the Jacketini and other baby clothes?I scrambled out of bed and did a search of the entire house - surely they were dumped in the hallway or on the stairs? No, no
Jacketini to be found.
Obviously I went in to complete and utter meltdown. I was sure that having left them in the
Palace of Trash that some lesbian couple had taken them for their soon to be born baby - why wouldn't they? Who wouldn't?
On speaking to
Cub he informed me that he'd left his bag there as well and was going to check with the bar (once it reopened) to see if the
Jacketini there. I was unhopeful.
Later that day
Cub called me and gleefully screamed down the phone that the
Jacketini was safe! I was so happy I could have kissed him. Somehow it managed to escape the clutches of the soon-to-be-lesbian-mothers and my soon-to-be-born-neice will be the most glamorous of all Perth babies.
I only hope that tonight is not a repeat performance...