I've been tagged, and unlike before where I've ignored these 'tags' this time I'm too scared not to do it, because I know
Dabich means business. So here goes:
1. Most shameful thing you’ve done - Lied about something inherent to who I am (hhhmmm 3 guesses what that is?!).
2. Biggest regret - spending two years with a man I knew I never loved.
3. Most awkward romantic experience - (but also one of the sexiest) - the first boy I ever kissed, in the back of his car down the local park. Although I guess another awkward romantic experience probably involved me and my ex girlfriend... that's another story though.
4. Who’s scarier-cops or crooks? - probably cops, although I do find a cop's outfit quite sexy...
5. Most important figure in music history - David Bowie. (yes, I know... but I am obsessed with him).
6. Is there a god - yes or no? - I struggle with this one, I can't give a yes or no answer.
7. Why do we (humans) exist? - Oh dear, this is so existential... I can't cope.
8. Best decision you ever made - To travel, I've learnt more seeing the world and meeting people than any education I've received.

9. Object of your sexiest fantasy - Jean Michel-Basquiat's body (when he was alive) and Stephen Fry's brain...
10. Most important moment in history - again, I don't feel I can answer this one.
11. Ugliest celebrity - Paris Hilton - inside and out.
12. Stupidest politician - I have to say George Bush. I can't stand the man. Although Tony Blair is coming in a close second.
13. Who killed JFK? - Was it Lee Harvey Oswald? I'm not sure about this, I think he might have just been a decoy or something...? Help me out here!
14. Who killed Jesus? Was it Pontius Pilate?? Damn, my bible studies classes were many moons ago.
15. Who killed the radio star? - well the Buggles said the Video did.
16. Funniest Comedian/Unfunniest - Victoria Wood has to be a favourite of mine/Unfunniest - um... Cheech & Chong?!

17. Worst singer - Chris Martin from Coldplay. The guy's a loser.
18. Ideal career - Clinical Psychologist (this week at least)
19. Is stealing ever justifiable? - Depends on the circumstances - I think anything can potentially be 'justified'!
20. Origin of Life in 8 words or less – Sperms and Eggs.
now I tag....
Anhoni from Blog Crack (is that what you're meant to do?!)