I gave myself a midnight screening of 'Andy Warhol's Flesh' over the weekend - my sister had sent me a box set of his films recently and having watched most of them between the ages of 17 and 19, I thought it was about time I had another look.
When I watched this film all those years ago, I remember being most struck by Joe D'Allesandro's complete beauty; but found the film a little tedious in pace. Perhaps that had something to do with age? I remember fast forwarding the VHS tape (remember those??) through much of it, but this time I watched the film in its entirety with avid interest.
On second viewing, I was enthralled. What a beautiful film! I hadn't noticed how very gorgeous the cinematography was - the light is gorgeous, the shots are beautiful (especially the sequence with Joe and the baby) and also, the film is absolutely hilarious!
My most favourite scene would have to be where Candy Darling and Jackie Curtis are sitting chatting to Joe as one of his 'girlfriends' does a manic 'tittie' dance behind them - now I know how John Waters was influenced by Warhol's films! Brilliant!
And... Joe D'Allessandro still looks as beautiful as ever.