So, I've been back in the race again recently.
See, last year I was seeing someone for about 4 months - but it was a very intense 4 months.
Basically, I was working from home (complete nightmare for someone who is a natural extrovert and therefore draws energy by being with others); was new to Melbourne, had very few friends (awwww) and met this guy whom I fell completely 100% head over heels for.
Of course, I completely consumed him. Between myself feeling needy and uncertain and him feeling terrified (this dude had major - with a capital M - commitment issues) the relationship self combusted.
The thing is, it was only the second time in my life that I'd been in love. The first time was with my long term boyfriend of just over 3 years.
So it has taken me a fair while to recover. My return to the dating game has only recently commenced. Thing is, I'd forgotten how tricky it can be. The rules around where to meet, what to do, how much to show, what to give, etc are very confusing.
My date this week was with a really lovely guy - nice looking, caring, smart and funny - problem is, there just wasn't that certain something. Call it chemistry, call it 'click', call it whatever you want. It was missing.
He, however, did feel chemistry, the 'click' or whatever you want to call it. Urgh.
Perhaps I should just stay at home and play on the internet.
Or read more comic books. Strangely, a movie just came on called 'Comic Book Confidential'. You're more colourful than the comics though so maybe it wouldn't work so well. I remain as helpful as always don't I?
Love a comic book. And love your helpfulness.
Please teleport me to NYC - I feel like brunch at Balthazar's.
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