09 October, 2006

Over and Out

I could write about my brilliant weekend. I could write about how full on my job is right now. I could write about my attempt to buy an apartment in Melbourne. But I'm not going to. I've got something I have to get off my chest.

I am SO VERY BORED with Kate Moss. Yes, she of the slightly dirty looking face/hair; the drug-addled boyfriend whose band has just cancelled the rest of their tour because he's doing 'so well' at rehabilitating; the 3 year old child that has to live with the fact her mother is a drug dependent loser.

Why is it that this stupid, irresponsible woman still manages to stay on top?

How long ago was it that she was caught with her noseful of the white powder? Yet somehow she manages to be splashed all over our TV screens and magazines in what seems to be new contracts? What does this say about us, the general public?

Kate Moss - I think you should crawl under a rock somewhere. Frankly, you look dirty and you bore me.


Marni said...

Preach it, honey! She is a skank ho and, besides Paris Hilton, one of the most overrated losers. They need to go away.

Tales of the City said...

Gives good face like Rita Hayworth, Grace Kelly, Marlene et Al.. its been an age old fascination with beauty (real or perceived).. Face of Helen of Troy launched a Thousand ships, the whole city of Chittogarh in Rajastan was destroyed by Muslim invaders because their leader at taken a great fancy to the queen of the City.. People are fascinated and want to be close to beauty. Not that I am saying Miss Moss is one. But she is perceived to be one. Ziggy come to bankers drinks next week...

DJ Andi said...

Not that it's unusual for people in "the light" to have drug problems or addictions, but good lord, can't they be a little more discreet? Not that they should be role models, but when they are in the public eye as they are, and with all the news and stories, kids can't help but think of them in that scenario.

Too bad for Kate. I am more worried about her child!

J said...

yeah, amen to that! i'm tired of hearing about that heffa! i was so mad when they put her on the cover of this political magazine and covered her in black paint to represent the plight of the black african woman! WTF? well, i bitched about it on my blog: http://blackstar27.wordpress.com/2006/09/25/what-the-absolute-hell-is-this/ and i'm still mad about it. how is it that you can snort cocaine and still have a thriving career???

J said...
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Unknown said...

I can't understand why there are people who worship these tatty celebrities!

DanProject76 said...

That's a better written version of part of my blog from today but I read yours after doing mine... I hate Kate too. She should be recycled and made useful.

orange anubis said...

What makes me laugh angrily at the British public is the shock and mortification when she's pictured having fun with Mr Snow, but as soon as it's re-interpreted as MY DRUGS HELL (which it clearly isn't), she's a darling once again. :(

Tumuli said...

Despite her average appearance and drug dabbling, something about her remains at least a little appealing. Perhaps it's that "little girl lost" pose. Models and actresses have built entire careers around that alone.

But you're right. She definitely needs an overhaul -- or a long hibernation.

DaBich said...

Amen ZIggy! What a skank ho!

Anonymous said...

Pete D. and her remind me of the two characters in that new movie Candy (with Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish). Ok, it might not be out yet, but you can download it. Great soundtrack too... oops, I'm getting off-topic now.


Anonymous said...

Bloody Kate Hate is everywhere these days!

Dale said...

Ziggy, I'm appalled at your recent attitude. Just because someone won't share their drugs with you is no reason to go wild like this. I'm pouty too but will share drugs. If only I could get that waif thing working for me.

Saviour Onassis said...

I've been under a rock, Mr. Ziggy! And I can tell you Kate Moss already owns a $1.3 million dollar chateau down there where she rolls around in mud and binges on cake.... Gross! But her only job in this world is to sell products, and loads of products need dirty boring girls to make people focus on the holes in their own lives.

As far as Kate's go, she sucks. Give me a Winslet, or a Blanchett, any day.... Just not the dirtiest and most boring Kate of all: Kate Cruise!

ziggystardust73 said...

Kate Sucks My Balls.

Thanks for all your support re. what a L.O.S.E.R. Kate Moss is.

And Saviour - I'm glad you've crawled out from under that rock. I've missed you.

Butchie said...

I would nail the shit out of her.


Anonymous said...

i dont think i've ever heard u say suck my balls! hehe..

ziggystardust73 said...

Do you like that expression norty? Suck my balls? I've adopted it and use it almost on a daily basis.