24 July, 2006

Devil's Haircut

DB (Ditzy Blonde) returned from Kiwi-Land recently and I was ecstatic for two reasons:

1. She is fantastic company and makes more inappropriate, silly comments than I do.

2. She is the only other person apart from my sister who cuts my hair well.

What I also love about DB is that when she sees me she just decides what is going to happen with my hair. I have no choice in the matter.

I am not very good at making decisions like what haircut to have; however, occasionally DB cuts my hair and I think: SHIT.

It's not that I don't like the haircut, more that I worry about how it is going to go down at my workplace. My boss is rather conservative (as is the industry I work in) and our clients even more so. So on Saturday when DB cut my hair before we all headed out to dinner and drinks in cutting edge Clerkenwell, I was quite happy with the German-military-deconstructed-buzzcut-haircut.

After several bottles of wine and numerous post dinner drinks (Cointreau was my digestive of choice) it seemed truly fantastic. OBF and I decided to do a photo shoot around my hair in a drunken stylee of which I've attached a photo...

Upon waking on Sunday morning with a massive hangover and thinking about the huge meeting I had on Monday morning, I wasn't so sure. In fact, I felt very unsure.


Dale said...

The angst truly shines through, right through your arm.

Unknown said...

Loving the German-military-deconstructed-buzzcut-haircut!!

J said...

ah, don't worry about it, zigs. you'll be aight! besides hair grows back fast.

Saviour Onassis said...

I rarely trust anyone enough to cut my hair, so I end up doing it myself. Kudos to you for having a friend, albeit a ditzy one, you trust that much.

Right now I'm sporting an Eighties inspired Duran Duran thing, complete with brassy blond highlights and a rather obnoxious tail....

Hair is the roof of the soul, you know.

ziggystardust73 said...

you get it, Dale...

Missy, it's getting better as it grows out!

J - thankfully my hair grows extra fast!

Saviour - my friend is a very accomplished hair stylist but sometimes just pushes my boundaries just a little too far. Which is unlike me, but hey - like you say... the soul, it's roof, etc, etc...

running42k said...

Haircut Good!

Jason said...

Does she do colour too?

JM said...

The haircut is good.

Tales of the City said...

Ziggy.. what happened with HL... would he like the haircut? Am meeting ex tonight... you think lawyers are bad.. try a City broker. *Sigh*

~ good girl ~ said...


I'm confused. Do you like or not like your new cut? I mean, forget work. You like? It looks really good in the pic. I have a thing for boys with boyish do's. Maybe it's that hint of a lad within a man frame that gets my heart a little crazy and the hormones working overtime.

Hair is tres important. Once, this jerk ass celebrity hairdresser did mine and insisted on cutting it so short. I was too coawrdly to resist. You know how intimidating hairdressers can be :-( I cried for days. My poor bf kept trying to console me by saying I looked cute. We know what they mean by "cute" especially when they say it with so much dazed confusion and pain for self in their eyes which translated as:

EEEECK! What have you done to my gf?? Bring her baaaaccccck!

GG xo

DaBich said...

But, Ziggy, it looks great from this angle...We need to see more of your face ;)

Don't sweat it, it's good !!!

DanProject76 said...

I am having hair envy.

Anonymous said...

Nice ears, thats KEY with a short haircut. :-)

Miz BoheMia said...

Phew! You scared me! I mean a gay guy with a BAD haircut is RARE and just not to be had! NOT... TO... BE... HAD!

But as I suspected, you look divine and just edible and that, my dear, is what counts and as for work? F**k em I say! Well, um, not literally, unless you want to but... *sigh* and I really did come over to dish about hair?

Will telling you you are fabulous and sending you big boho kisses make up for my crassness? Huh? Will it?

ziggystardust73 said...

Running - thanks!

Jason - she does but thankfully didn't decide to change my colour this time...

Cutectguy - actually I think the lawyer would hate this haircut. I'm willing it to grow before I see him again on Friday.

Good Girl - I'm not entirely sure whether I like the cut or not.... at this stage I'm liking it more as it grows a bit! Hairdressers can be intimidating, can't they??

Dan - is that like penis envy?

Bluez - you always know how to say the right thing :-)

Miz Boho - please keep telling me I'm fabulous always! mwah!

Anonymous said...

so so wrong... nort nort... nothing will ever compare to my hairdressing stylee hehe

ziggystardust73 said...

TM - thanks as always for that wealth of information. Now I can pretend to be a real skinhead ;-)


DanProject76 said...

I don't have penis envy because I have a very good one of my own. Unlike a full head of hair. Bah!

markus said...

i like it!