08 February, 2006

Barbaric Organic?

On Saturday I visited my gorgeous friend Organic and her girlfriend in Reading - they have recently acquired an Organic Food Delivery business which is all very exciting. What's more exciting is that I can say I have lesbian farmers as friends and not be lying. It was Organic's Birthday so OBF (Other Best Friend) and I made the journey down, as we are all very old and dear friends.

Organic has also recently completed her Acupuncture course - which means we can also call her a Chinese Doctor (of sorts!) How's that? A Lesbian Farming Chinese Doctor.

I was complaining about my shoulder; and how it has been extremely sore for about 18 months - to the point that the muscles are so contracted that it has been pressing on my thoracic nerve, and in the mornings, I have woken with tingling in my left hand.

Organic offered to do a treatment on me - there and then - involving a "Bull Horn" and some oils - oo-er missus. The treatment lasted for no longer than 10 minutes and the results are in the above photo. (ooooohh nekkid pictures of myself... whatever next?!)

When I first saw my bruised shoulder, I thought (in a typically Western fashion): Is that good?! The interesting thing is, that yesterday, for the first morning in 18 months, I awoke with no tingling in my left hand! And my shoulder is considerably more relaxed! Organic: I thank you. (and love you).


JM said...

looks painful

running42k said...

So your back hurts so bad you forget about the shoulder. is that how it works?

DaBich said...

YIKES! That looks nasty, at least it FEELS better!

DanProject76 said...

Eek! I am too much of a big poof to ever do that, looks painful.

ziggystardust73 said...

to be honest, it didn't hurt at all, and the 'bruising' has already almost gone... organic is a saviour, I tell you!

and I think the back 'art' looks mighty impressive personally!

Anhoni Patel said...

Dude. Who knew you bruised so easily...?

It looks like you had wings that were ripped out. Very gothic.

c nadeau & t johnson said...

Next on Springer:

A Lesbian Farming Chinese Doctor stole my man!!!

DaBich said...


c nadeau & t johnson said...

I knew it'd take an "Amurican" to appreciate that'n.

Unknown said...

I have an organic fruits and veggie delivered to my house. If they do a better deal, I can switch.

Nice back!

ziggystardust73 said...

Anhoni, I *love* the gothic 'wings ripped out' story. I'm going to use that one.

Scribe... We do get Springer here in the UK! In fact, 'Jerry Springer: The Opera' was put on here and there was controversy around it spurred on by the Christian Right (of course). It was all very amusing.

Missy - they deliver to West of London - check out Organic's blog and ask though! She'd love it!

c nadeau & t johnson said...

It disappoints me that the UK has a Christian right. I'd hope to escape the pervasive despotism that's taken hold here some day...

ziggystardust73 said...

Scribe - here is what the Christian Right managed to do here in London:

"....A NATIONWIDE tour by the musical Jerry Springer the Opera is in jeopardy with a big investor considering pulling out because of threats by a militant Christian group.
The backer, who was to have provided 40% of the funding for the tour, was targeted by Christian Voice, an evangelical group that has condemned the musical — based on the American television show — as “filthy and blasphemous”.

Earlier this month the organisation forced Maggie’s Centres, a Scottish cancer charity, to turn down a £3,000 donation from the show by threatening to picket its premises. Christian Voice has also warned regional theatres that they will be picketed if they put on the show during its nine-month tour, which is due to begin in September. "

c nadeau & t johnson said...

ah...it begins...

ziggystardust73 said...

oh this was back in February last year, Scribe...

unfortunately it isn't just the beginning...

c nadeau & t johnson said...

why can't they just let us live in peace?