19 December, 2005

Spanking, Anyone?

On Friday I went to drinks with a guy who has provided our IT support over the telephone for the last 3 years. He and I had dealt with one another mostly by email, and a little over the phone. Recently he had been fishing out more information about me and once he established I was gay, asked me out. I agreed, and subsequently we exchanged photos.

Upon seeing his photo, I was pretty sure I wasn't going to find him sexually attractive, but thought it would be fine to meet up anyway. I suggested we go to the Tate Modern and do the Henri Rousseau exhibition, and have a drink in the members bar afterwards. It is my typical suggestion if I am meeting someone I don't know very well as it is a gorgeous venue and very familiar to me, so I feel 'safe'.

Anyway - upon seeing him, I was struck by how much of a 'geek' he was. And I don't mean 'geek chic' - he was a geek in the true sense of the word. Now I find geeks quite attractive, so this was a plus for him. It was also possible he was on the autistic spectrum - his hands kept being sent outwards from his body in an awkward fashion, and he walked with a strange gait. He was obviously quite nervous - and definitely shy.

We did the exhibition (pretty average, as an aside) and then went to the bar. After a couple of glasses of wine and some (very, very) small talk - mostly about Macintosh computers and vintage Commodore 64s (this boy works in IT afterall); he suddenly mentioned his partner. I clarified that he was talking about his 'boyfriend' and he confirmed this. Obviously I was comforted considerably by this, as I assumed that this meant I was 'safe' from the "I'm not interested" conversation.

I decided to ask more about his partner, thinking this a safe line for me to take. How wrong I was. It transpired they had met online (which is fine, I have no problem with that), so I asked which website. He told me it was a 'dodgy' one, and when I pushed for the answer, he told me that it was a site for Bondage/S&M.


At this point I probably looked (and certainly felt) completely confused. Here was this shy, autistic, geeky 25 year old telling me he was in to Bondage and S&M. Which again, is no problem - I try not to judge anyone's sexual proclivities; I just didn't expect it. The conversation obviously then took quite a different route... and soon he was telling me that he'd been on an 'Introduction to S&M' course. I kid you not. Here I was telling him about my pyschometric training and he had been on Sadomasochism 101.

Stupidly, my assumption that I was 'safe' (given the fact he had a partner) was not the case. After several more glasses of wine, he said to me: "so, when are we going back to your place to fuck?"

um... NO was my short answer.


Unknown said...

Bloody hell!!

They do say that you will meet strange people on the net, but I have to say, I recently met someone who I play chess with online (how geeky is that!) and it went very well, indeed.

This is an exciting blog... will come back for more! (Found you through Anhoni's blog.)

c nadeau & t johnson said...





markus said...

that would've made me very uncomfortable.

DaBich said...

YIKES! I'm glad you escaped!!

c nadeau & t johnson said...

I had a similar experience trapped with a chick in a basement. It happened a long time ago but maybe I should blog it for fun and to re-open old wounds.

Anhoni Patel said...

It's always the quiet ones, eh?

Sadomasochism 101 sounds a lot more fun than pyschometric training.

Was he really that blunt with you.

Ah, Ziggy, you are a bold soul.

Anhoni Patel said...

scribe- you were tied up and tended to sadomasochistically in a basement dungeon?

c nadeau & t johnson said...

No but I was trapped by a repugnant monster that wanted to climb Mt Saint Scribe-eous.

DanProject76 said...

I will one day write a book (or maybe a large pamphlet) about the people I have met off the net.

Your one beats all my freaks though. Well done!

WestVillageKid said...

Hah Ziggy!
Sounds like a interesting night out. That's what happens when you start accepting odd invitations from random people over the phone. Makes for an interesting post tho! Hope all's well with you...dd

ziggystardust73 said...

Neurotic Missy, welcome... I thank you for your kind words re. my blog!

Scribe... please share in full your torrid dungeon story.

Markus, I actually found it more amusing than uncomfortable!

Dabich, my legs have never taken me away from somewhere so fast...

Anhoni, I try.

Organic ... where the FUCK have you been?!?!

DM, I actually laughed when he asked for the fuck. I mean, you have to be impressed by his directness. He also had no problems whatsoever with the fact that I said 'NO WAY.'

Dan... I'm not sure I should be happy I beat your freaks or not?!

DD... welcome back! I'll always accept odd invitations, a night like this one always spices up my life!

Anonymous said...

norty.... thats hilarious!! u are soo norty!

Anonymous said...

che fuerte!!!!!

JM said...

I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.

ziggystardust73 said...

nortinessa, LA QUENTA.

Angel, I try to never book a judge by it's cover... but this really did prove that point in full!!